Christ The King Lutheran Church A Historical Synopsis

Christ The King Lutheran Church is an LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) congregation accepting and preaching the Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther as inspired by the 16th century reformation of the Christian Church. Our beliefs can be summarized in three phrases:

Grace Alone Faith Alone Scripture Alone

Christ The King Lutheran Church was founded in 2013 near Victoria, TX. At inception, the congregation gathered for worship in a member's home. In time, it seemed wise to rent space from the Arneckeville Community Center where the congregation gathered to worship until the purchase of a church building and furnishings from Placedo Church of the Brethren. The proceeds of that sale supported Church of the Brethern's missionary activities. The Placedo building, with furnishings, was moved to its current location at 563 FM237 in Victoria, TX where it was refurbished and dedicated on April 24, 2016.